
In this page, you can navigate to all the tools, software, and services that I mention in “Money is blind” podcast.

Some of these links are affiliate links. It means, when you click on the links and make a purchase, I’ll make a small commission without changing your final price even a bit. It really helps me to keep podcasting.

Buy your domain names through Godaddy

Host your website with Hostinger

have also used Bluehost.

But, this website, Moneyisblind is hosted using Systeme.io they are really good.

Podcast Hosting

Initially, I was using Buzzsprout to host the podcast. But, as they are expensive,

I changed to Anchor. fm

Email Marketing

I am using Mailchimp for email marketing right now.

For, my health blogs, I use SendinBlue, which is based in France and is an awesome company

as well. It is accessible too. But, they don’t have a mobile app.

Mailchimp has an ios app that is accessible through voiceover.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Click Bank
  • Commission Junction
  • Click Funnels

Podcast Studio

  • Macbook Pro
  • Windows Dell Laptop
  • Samson Q2U Microphone
  • Sony Headphones

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